As the CEO of a data integration and analytics company, Dana Richardson knows the value of clinical data. Richardson says, “Any organization that wants to be viable and valuable should be using technology like WISHIN’s to support their work.”
Richardson has been CEO of the Wisconsin Health Information Organization (WHIO) for six years. She has served on the WISHIN board of directors during those six years, and in that time, she says healthcare has been in a period of transition. She says the WHIO uses data to help people make business decisions and deal with care quality, cost efficiency and strategic planning. “What WISHIN does well,” she says, “is provide real-time information at the point of care. We all share in the responsibility of having the best health and health care in Wisconsin. I believe every organization should participate (in WISHIN). The value is that you can access the information you need when you need it.”
During her tenure on the WISHIN Board, Richardson has seen considerable growth in the breadth and depth of WISHIN’s reach. “WISHIN has done a good job at continuing to expand the number of organizations that are participating,” Richardson says.
WISHIN board members believe the combination of a robust network of participants and the new functionality of WISHIN 2.0 bodes well for WISHIN’s future. Richardson says, “I think WISHIN is on track to provide the types of valuable services that a health information exchange should provide.”
For more information on Dana Richardson and the rest of the WISHIN board, go to