WISHIN Founders
WISHIN is a not-for-profit (Chapter 181) organization appointed as the state-designated entity for governance and implementation of a statewide health information exchange in Wisconsin (2009 Wisconsin Act 274).
The Wisconsin Hospital Association’s mission is to advocate for the ability of its members to lead in the provision of high-quality, affordable, and accessible healthcare services, resulting in healthier Wisconsin communities.
The Wisconsin Medical Society is the largest association of medical doctors in the state with more than 12,000 members dedicated to the best interests of their patients. With that in mind, wisconsinmedicalsociety.org offers patients a unique source for reliable, physician-reviewed medical information.
The Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality publicly reports and brings meaning to performance measurement information that improves the quality and affordability of health care in Wisconsin, in turn improving the health of individuals and communities.
The Wisconsin Health Information Organization is a voluntary initiative supported by visionary leaders from insurance companies, healthcare providers, major employers, and public agencies who share a commitment to the future of healthcare.