Who is WISHIN?
WISHIN is an independent not-for-profit organization dedicated to bringing the benefits of widespread, secure, interoperable health information technology to patients and caregivers throughout Wisconsin.
WISHIN is building a statewide health information network to connect physicians, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, and clinical laboratories across Wisconsin. Our vision is to promote and improve the health of individuals and communities in Wisconsin through the development of information-sharing services that facilitate electronic delivery of the right health information at the right place and right time, to the right individuals.
Statewide electronic health information exchange (HIE) offers the promise of timely, relevant information that can lead to better clinical decisions, less duplication, more effective transitions of care, and reduced administrative costs. It all adds up to better information and better outcomes.
And that’s better for patients and caregivers alike.
Health information exchange (HIE) is a technology that supports the flow of health information among physician practices, hospitals, labs, and others, regardless of the type of electronic medical record (EMR) systems they may use. HIE allows the delivery of the right health information to the right place, at the right time – providing safer, more timely, and efficient patient-centered care.
WISHIN, Wisconsin’s state-designated entity for HIE, is responsible for developing HIE capability throughout the state. WISHIN’s products and services allow healthcare providers to securely share a patient’s medical information with other healthcare providers who have seen the patient—even if those providers are not part of the same practice or health system.
Over time, as Wisconsin’s healthcare providers join WISHIN to share data, the benefits to patients and providers will be substantial. Combined with the widespread adoption of EMRs by hospitals and physicians, HIE is a critical component of a truly connected healthcare delivery system.
HIE Privacy & Security
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