When healthcare providers need critical background information on a patient, there can be several options to access that information. Therein lies a potential problem.
There are many electronic health records (EHRs) that have some interoperability with other EHRs to transfer historical health information to assist providers, care managers and other healthcare workers, but no EHR is interoperable with all others.
This is where WISHIN steps in.
WISHIN has really been indispensable…
Dr. Mark Lodes
The Wisconsin Statewide Health Information Network, Inc. (WISHIN) is Wisconsin’s state-designated, vendor-agnostic health information exchange (HIE). WISHIN has addressed the interoperability barriers that exist among EHRs and even within the same EHR for more than 2,200 sites of care in Wisconsin, northern Illinois and upper Michigan.
“In today’s world,” said Dr. Mark Lodes, Chief Medical Officer for Population Health at Froedtert and Medical College of Wisconsin, “the ability to exchange information not only within your own electronic health record but between electronic health records is really, really important to our patients. WISHIN has really been indispensable with the ability to provide information that we can’t obtain through our own system. WISHIN has been that connector.”
Reach out to WISHIN at wishin@wishin.org to make sure that your organization has an open line of communication when it comes to safely and securely sharing patient health records.