WISHIN Earns NCQA Data Aggregator  Validation Status Again
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WISHIN Earns NCQA Data Aggregator Validation Status Again

WISHIN has renewed its National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Data Aggregator Validation (DAV) status as a data aggregator in cohort 4, effective December 7, 2022. The validation involves a meticulous review of WISHIN’s data collection processes and an audit which validates the existence of data in the network to the data that originates from the source EHR/EMR. As a result, 44 sources of hospital, clinic, and diagnostic data have been certified to be used by health plans as supplemental data which has been primary source verified.

The NCQA validation means that health plans can use data from the WISHIN system from the above sources in their HEDIS® process, instead of accessing the data from individual providers. More information about the NCQA DAV program is available on NCQA’s website.

“The Validated Data Stream designation is a substantial achievement because it positions WISHIN to deliver more value to our clients. And it’s a win-win for our customers — it’s a win for health plans because their ‘chart chase’ burden for HEDIS ® measures can be substantially reduced, and it’s a win for providers, who won’t have to accommodate the ‘chart chasers,’” said WISHIN CEO Joe Kachelski.

“The DAV certification process allowed Network Health to bypass the primary source verification process and utilize data from non-contracted facilities in a streamlined process.  WISHIN and KPI Ninja were able to offer the data in the format Network Health could easily ingest.  Overall utilizing this data increased our rates and reduced administrative time and expense, which was our ultimate goal,” said Mallory Mueller, Director Quality Health Integration, Network Health.

Data in the WISHIN network from the following source EHR/EMRs have been validated by NCQA:

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