Clinic, Provider Office or Nursing Home Calculator

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Your Results

Thanks for using our calculator to discover how much you could save by improving quality.

WISHIN Pulse improves patient care and your bottom line. Thanks for using our calculator to discover how much you could save by improving the quality of your care transitions. With HIE, communication with other providers can be accomplished more seamlessly, without the need for time-consuming phone calls.

Your employees spend approximately ## minutes making quality-related phone calls each year. With WISHIN Pulse, your organization could save $$$ annually by exchanging patient records electronically.

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Your Results

Thanks for using our calculator to discover how much you could save on EHR integration.

WISHIN Pulse improves patient care and your bottom line. Thanks for using our calculator to discover how much you could save by leveraging WISHIN Pulse’s one EHR interface connection to connect with all the providers you collaborate with, instead of paying per interface.

Your organization collaborates with a total of ## care providers outside of your system. Without HIE, you are paying $$$ to connect with them. WISHIN Pulse is the only connection you need to these providers, and could save you $$$ on unnecessary EHR interfaces.

Choose Your Savings Calculator

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Your Results

Thanks for using our efficiency calculator to discover how much you could save on chart pulls.

WISHIN Pulse improves patient care and your bottom line. Thanks for using our efficiency calculator to discover how much you could save on chart pulls with Wisconsin's health information exchange.

$$$$ hours are spent pulling charts per year in your organization. With WISHIN Pulse, your staff will have access to patient medical records electronically, resulting in a potential savings of $$$$$$ per year.

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Your Results

Thanks for using our efficiency calculator to discover how much you could save on faxes.

WISHIN Pulse improves patient care and your bottom line. Thanks for using our efficiency calculator to discover how much you could save on faxes. With HIE, costs associated with faxing charts and documents to other providers is reduced.

Staff in your organization fax $$$$ documents annually, and spend $$$$ hours processing these faxes each year. By sharing these documents electronically via WISHIN Pulse, your organization could save $$$$ hours faxing documents, resulting in a potential cost savings of $$$$$ per year.

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Your Results

Thanks for using our efficiency calculator to discover how much you could save on paper and storage.

WISHIN Pulse improves patient care and your bottom line. Thanks for using our efficiency calculator to discover how much you could save on paper and storage. With HIE, costs associated with equipment and supplies that support paper charts are reduced

Your organization spends $$$$$ on rent for records storage and $$$$$ on delivery of reports and documents to providers outside your system each year. With WISHIN Pulse, you could save $$$$$ on records storage and $$$$ on mailing costs each year.