About Wishin>WISHIN Team>

Krista Willing

Krista Willing

Krista Willing

Board Designee

Krista Willing is the Assistant Administrator of System, Fiscal, and Operations for the Division of Medicaid Services within the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS.) She joined DHS in 2010 and previously served as the Section Chief of Hospital and HMO Rate Setting as well as the Deputy Director and Director of the Bureau of Fiscal Management. She oversees both the Wisconsin Medicaid benefit and administrative budgets and contracts. Additionally, she oversees rate settings for hospitals, nursing homes, and managed care organizations; the Estate Recovery Program, the Wisconsin Funeral and Cemetery Aids Program, and the operations of the Medicaid Management Information System and Eligibility and Enrollment System. Prior to joining DHS, Krista was the Executive Budget and Policy Analyst for Medicaid in the Wisconsin State Budget Office. She also served as a legislative aide to the Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader from 2006-2008. She has a Master’s Degree from the La Follette School of Public Policy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.